Saturday, February 18, 2017

WOW, I guess a lot has happened , its been two years since I posted , never realized how fast time flies ,Well to tell you the truth , the last 2 yrs have been pure hell for me . Family matters have taken its tole on me big time . Details I will not put here on my blog for I dont believe this is the place to do it for all the world to see .
 Any ways that's why I have not been here in a really long time .I in the mean time have been playing around with adult coloring books then really got interested in watercolor , yeah me painting oh my gosh i never thought id see the day that i would ever paint. I had a blast buying my supplies and no you dont have to spent a small fortune on it. Get the best you can afford to try it out to see if you like like it first. you may not find its for you and then all that money is wasted for nothing . Turns out I love it .
 At one point in my life I had said "I can never paint ".
My Father was a painter , he used every kind of medium out there available at the time . you name it he used it pretty much even the materials in which he worked on varied . IE : paper of course , cardboard ,canvas, corrugated cardboard. his favorite was a black marker he did everything with that , it was amazing . one day I will have to post some of the works I have that he did on here.
So for now  take care all feel free to leave a comment and let me know how's things are with you .


Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I made this one from scratch I found that you get a lot of leftover cotton after making full sized dishcloths. So I came across a smaller version but I found it too small so I came up with my own size one that is useful for many things.  Full sized measures 10 inches and the mini measures 5 and 1/4 inches.  Mine measures 7 inches 


CO 10 sts
Row 1 K across
Row 2, K3, YO, knit to last 2 sts turn knit back
Row 3, K3 YO knit to last 4 sts turn knit back
Row 4, K3 YO knit to last 6 sts turn knit back
Row 5, K3 YO knit to last 8 sts turn knit back
Row 6 , BO 4 sts knit to end 
one wedge made

repeat these rows 11 more times for 12 wedges total 
 BO off last sts leaving a tail to sew up seam.

first gather the middle and pull tight to close the hole then sew up seam 
weave in all ends 
and that's it your done !
Takes no time and you can use up all your leftovers mix and match scraps . have fun!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Knitted Dishcloths

Well I know its been donkey ages since I have done anything on here.  To tell you the truth I have a very hard time with this site and how it all works its amazing that I have even gotten this far lol.  I came across a dishcloth pattern that I liked alot but I found the pattern very hard to read to I rewrote it so everyone can understand it and make a dishcloth and not guess on how to make it ,so here it goes .


Cotton yarn, I used Bernats crafter's cotton
4.50mm or US size 7 needles
2 stitch markers
measurements approx 10 by 10 inches or 25cm by 25 cm

CO cast on
K knit
P purl
PM place marker
SM slip marker
SKP slip knit pass .
Slip 1st st , knit next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, decrease made
YO yarn over
K2TOG knit two sts together
*repeat between *
BO bind off

CO 39 stitches (4 border stitches and each end 31 stitches in the center)
set up knit for 6 rows to make 3 ridges
Row 1 (Right side row) , K4, PM, knit across, PM, K4
Row 2 (Wrong side row )and for all even rows throughout the pattern:
K4, SM, purl to marker SM, knit 4
Row 3 K4,SM, K3 * YO, SKP, K6* , to last 4 sts YO,SKP, K2 SM, K4
Row 5 K4, SM, K2tog, *YO, K1, YO, SKP, K3 *To last 6 sts , K2tog, YO, K1, YO,
Row 7 K4,SM,K3,*YO,SKP, K6* To last 4 STS , YO, SKP, K2, SM K4
Row 9 K4 SM, Knit across remembering to slip markers
Row 10 K4, SM , Purl to marker SM, K4
First section complete.
Row 11 K4 , SM , K7, YO, SKP, K6 to marker Sm , K4
Row 13 K4 ,SM, K5,* K2tog, YO, K1, YP, SKP, K3, Last 2 sts K SM.K4
Row 15 K4, SM, K7, YO, SKP, K6, SM, K4
Second section complete

To complete dishcloth repeat rows 1 to 15 twice then repeat rows 1 to 10 once more
knit 6 plain rows removing markers then BO

This is my first attempt to write a pattern so if there are any errors please let me know in
the comments below thanks for looking

Happy Knitting!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Well i know its been awhile since I have written any thing. Life gets in the way of things and I am not much of a writer.  The fall is here and Christmas is around the corner. I can't believe I just said that. lol I have been working on some scarves I want to make as Christmas gifts. I have 3 finished and a fourth and fifth on the go.
 I am using Bernat's Mosaic yarn in which I have noticed that none of it is no longer available aghrrr. why why why??? So if you like this yarn and I know alot don't buy it when you see it. more pics to come in the future .

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My first fingerless mitt , It was surprising easy to knit even on dpn's . I love my dpn's I know that would make most people cringe LOL

 Open view of my knitting case
my Knitting needle case I made cause I got so many needles so fast . I used a uniball white marker for the writing and the material is all one piece sewn into a tube then folded twice to make the pockets which i just measured using the needles as a guide.

knitting a leaf boarded just to see of i can do it lol I took it all a part after 

closed view of my knitting case

my knitted neck warmer and fingerless mitts and the beret is crocheted
pictured here is my scarf set

So here is what I have been up to these days . there is a ton more but i did not take any pictures , I retaught myself to knit late Oct 2012 and I just can't put the needles down hahaha I even made myself a knitting case cause I went from no needles to too many hahaha. I now have almost all sizes of DPNs and a few circulars I found out I just cant use straights at all, that's why I had such a hard time to knit before . I also learned a whole new way to knit all together , I knit continental style now , it is so much faster and easier than English style oh my gosh if I had learned that way years a go I would have been a pro by now . I never thought I would get this far. I knitted my first pair of baby socks yesterday,  Me, knit socks that's just crazy I never thought in a million yrs I could ever do that . So that's what I have been up to, as well as life gets in there too talk to you all sooner than the last time . thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

long time over due

Well I know this is long over due . That's cause I have not crocheted in a while . I recently finished a few little things for a RAK (random act of kindness ) I sent out . Starting back in March of 2011 I got hooked on another interest of mine , scrapbooking . I had a small hoard and stash of a few things that I had picked from stores here and there over the years , yes years lol I was supposed to get started on a few things but had no idea what i was doing, so I just let it sit there to accumulate lol , Then I bought a stamp set from Walmart a starter kit . I thought it would be cute to stamp a few things and add glitter to them to make cards. I figured I have to use up that stash of stuff some how. well from there it all exploded.  First I found out about stamping techniques. then heat embossing WOW then die cutting then mini books . I was feeling overwhelmed with all of it , whew I needed to slow down but it was really hard as I was addicted to all of it and what you can do with all those neat things out there . So I did some research and bought a cuttle bug . I knew about the Bigshot but it was very expensive at the time and I wanted a machine right away. why I have no idea cause I did not even know how to use it lol.  so after a few tries I figured out how to use  the cuttlebug , really cool liked that a lot . then while I was discovering  about new scrapbooking techniques I discovered T!m Holtz Oh my gosh I fell in love . his work is amazing and right up my ally . so now my journey has begun to learn learn and learn some more. so far I have made a card a few tags and a tp roll mini with balsa box . I will posts pics . thanks to all that have subbed to me so far . I am a slow one when it comes to blogging . I am still learning how to use this place too lol . you can never be too old to learn anything new . will try to post a continuation of this real soon .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reason for my title change

I was snooping around the blog to see if there was other places for me to join and came across another blog with my Title. (for the love of crochet) I said to myself that I need to change my title name and could not think of a thing, until one day while shopping I said to myself, I am craving to crochet lol. I was sitting in my van waiting for my husband to come out of the store and it hit me I wish I had brought some crochet with me while I wait, I was craving to crochet worse than craving food lol. So thats how I came up with this one . Hope it does not sound too wierd lol Oh well at least its more original, I hope. take care all.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Trials and tribulations of Filet Crochet

Well its been a long time since i have done anything here. I have recently entered the world of filet crochet. Filet crochet is when you follow a graph to make a picture and or words. you can make all sorts pf lace edgings, table cloths, bedspreads, cafe curtains, valances, pillows ect ect the list goes on and on. Simple technique, so they say. Basically chain stitches and double crochet. Well I have a book on it and several other books that talk about it but not one tells you the multiple of it! ahhhh, After searching the internet in several places finally figured it all out. sheech what is the big deal of adding the multiple so you can make your own designs. Well the multiple is 3 + 3 for a closed 1st block + 7 for an open 1st block for 4 dc blocks. There are two techniques for this type of crochet, there is also 3 dc blocks but I have not tried this yet. So far I have completed a mushroom valance. I will post pictures later on. now I have made my own design of shamrocks in a group to make another valance for my country place. I bought it last year and now I want to decorate it all up, painting and such. its just a summer place not to go to all year round. I'm in Canada so the winters can be hard at times . I wanted to sew valances but I can't seem to find any fabric. What we don't sew here in Canada ??? The walmarts here took out their fabric dept. . Ok so I just looked at my finished valance and to my horror have discovered a mistake. I MADE the huge mistake of changing my hook at the end of the project and the mushroom is smaller than the rest ahhh. oh well I REFUSE to take it apart its been washed and blocked and its just going in a bathroom window anyway a very small bathroom. So I learned something never change hooks when doing this sorta work. I should also mention that I used 10 size crochet cotton and a size 2 steel hook. when I used the other hook it was a 1.75mm and it looked the same size but it was not the same size at all. oh well live and learn huh?

Friday, December 24, 2010

here are my lastest creations for christmas.....................

Sunday, January 3, 2010


my latest project . there are a bunch of them to do i want to make more

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My newest BABIES LOL Im a Mom again

Here are 3 more of my newest dolls these dolls are about 8 inches tall No pattern at all used to make these they are one of a kind the little boy is wearing a baseball suit. and the girl is wearing a Irish dress.

the little pink one is only 5 inches tall what a cutie that outfit I did use a pattern for this one.
hope you enjoy . any questions or comments welcome
Thanks for looking

Friday, June 26, 2009

my first try in pink and white then I added a flower and some ribbons. to the right all my little ones at the time I have more now

my try at fashion dolls clothes ,done in baby wool

not bad for a freebee pattern butterfly I used a christmas varigated thread to to try it out. up above is a hot mat I modified from a thread pattern and sew together to make it thick I used 100% cotton wool.
thanks for looking . please feel free to ask questions or leave comments would be much appreciated

another day another project

My love of crochet started when I was really young . I started at the age of 8 or 9. I tried knitting as well but loved crochet better cause its faster to finish a project.
I have left it alone for a very long time but never gave away my hooks . I seem to be addicted to my hooks LOL. over the years I have collected over 2 sets.
I got back into it a few years ago when a friend of mine said I want to learn how. so I picked it back up and started to practice again. then she says to me I want to learn how to use thread I said OMG thread I never used crochet thread before.
I remember once when I was on the subway a older lady crocheting with this white thread and thinking oh my goodness that's so small . She was so quick as she was making this beautiful lacey doily , she was just going to town on it. I could never do that I thought to myself . I'm not that good. but then I got the challenge when my friend said "thread" so I pulled out my tiny steel hooks and tried it . I have been hooked ever since and finished my first christmas doily. it came out beautiful. with my perseverance and patience I did it!! .pic to come later
Now I have discovered ity bity babies they are just so cute and smell good too. the above pictures are an example of the work I did . the pink and white doll is bigger and I had NO pattern at all. all I had was a picture of one of the smallest 5 inch dolls. thanks for reading.